Lisa's Journal

I want to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on in my life and how they can specifically pray for me. I was recently diagnosed with tonsil cancer and will soon be receiving treatment. I plan to go to U of M for treatment. Please pray for courage, strength and for me to hear God's voice.

Friday, August 17, 2007


On August 9,2007 I underwent another PET scan to follow up the area that lite up on the back of my tongue. I then waited SEVEN days before I found out that there was absolutely NO uptake on the tongue this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise Praise Praise God. The doctors are thrilled and still scratching their heads as to the reasoning, possibly "muscular activity". I say this past one is from "God activity". I have been thanking God moment by moment. This has been an incredible weight off my shoulders. I don't know what three months will bring, but right now I am celebrating in the blessing God has given me.

Again thank you for your POWERFUL prayers!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Last Friday, I went to U of M for a second opinion on why the PET scan lite up, but all the other test are negative. I met with Dr. Prince, I have seen him before...really nice guy. Well, verdict....he is puzzeled too. He did explain that PET scan is a new technology, and the Dr. don't know all the answers to puzzeling questions like mine. Years ago, I would have had a CT and maybe MRI and they would have have a negative exam. But, today we have the latest technology able to detect better, but can be somewhat misleading if there is not a lot of research on the machine. I am just believing that my scan was a fluke...whether it was a muscle spasm, radiation changes, inflammation or infection. It is my prayer that my next PET scan will be just absolutely clear... with no questions or doubts. Medicine is not perfect.....the human body is an amazing machine and can do funny things.........we will see. One step at a time. The plan is to have another PET scan in three weeks or so. If the area lights up again, Dr. Prince wants to do a biopsy again :(......... That I will not look forward to since the last one took six weeks to recover from. But, what to do....just do it and move forward. If the PET scan is clear, probably another scan in six months? I will follow up with Dr. Postma and U of M (8-31-07).

God has continued to blanket me with peace. He has made me wait patiently with a hopeful heart. He has blessed me with two little munchkins that keep me so busy it's hard to think about myself. I am encouraged and I am thankful for good medicine, doctors, friends and family.

Pray for a clear PET scan in the upcoming weeks. I'll keep you posted.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Dear Friends,
How sorry I am to not have updated more recently. I have been busy with the girls and Dr. appointments and phone calls. I think the last I wrote was that my next test was an MRI June 16. Well, they did not see any masses, they did see areas of inflammation that most likely correlate with the biopsies. Dr. Postma said, "it's a relatively clean MRI." Many Dr.'s are puzzeled why the area lit up on the back of my tongue- every test so far has proven to be negative. He did say I could have had some inflammation there or a muscle spasm.

I have decided to take all my records, reports and scans back to U of M for them to take a peek as well, just to make sure everyone agrees with what is going on. What's a ride to U of M? No big deal. I will go there July 13 to see an ENT, one I have seen in the past-nice guy. I am still taking antibiotics to keep the bacteria down in my mouth so the biopsy sites can heal. It's been six weeks and just in the past couple days I am off the Motrin. To be quite honest, this biopsy recovery has been worse than my seven weeks of radiation and chemo. I am hanging in there though. I have probably dropped a few more pounds since eating has been difficult.

Lately, the weather has been just beautiful. I awake to the sunshine on my face and every morning I say, "God, thank you, thank you for another day." I am so thankful for the two beautiful love bugs he gave me. We are having a blast. Alexa is at such a fun age that now we can start talking about "life"...."God". We have had a lot of heart to hearts lately. It is amazing how children just simply have total faith and trust. We are all to have that "child like faith". She is helping me.

Well, praise God this anniversary I am not lying in a bed getting chemo. Yes, Ray and I celebrate 8 years of marriage today. Unfortunately, he is with another woman tonight.........he promised Lexy to take her fishing!!! They were both so exicited they could hardly stand it. I will have to take a rain check for a date out with him.

I have a lot of peace and stillness inside. God has really wrapped His arms around me. Now, I ponder what is it God, you want me to do with my experience. I am praying to know that answer.

I hope my next update will be great news from U of M and I hope it won't take me forever to share the news!!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support,

Friday, June 01, 2007


It has been a while since I have written, because thankfully I have had a clean bill of health until last week. Last Tuesday, I underwent a PET/CT scan. Dr. Postma is just being extra careful. I completely expected to get the all clear. But that was not the case. Postma called and said an area on the back of my tongue lit up. However, they did not see a mass anywhere on the CAT scan. He said we will need to do a biopsy. So, I waited another week until I had the biopsy. I had to have general anesthesia because of the area it was located. Mom, Dad and Ray went. Penny was out of state. Thankfully, a wonderful friend at church watched the girls.

So, the wait begins again for results. I was under for almost an hour and Dr. was pleased with how things looked and felt. He took samples of the back of my tongue and the tonsil fossa area. He did a frozen section during the biopsy and he was able to share with my family that there were no sign of cancer in that biopsy. The official report will be out by the end of the week. Today, I received a call from the nurse and she verified there were no signs of malignancy. The report said, mild chronic inflammation. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Postma wants me to have an MRI in 10days, to rule anything else out. I will wait again. "BE STILL AND KNOW I AM GOD"


Friday, April 06, 2007


Yesterday, 4-5-07, I had another appointment with the ENT. He reported good news, he did not see or feel anything abnormal. Praise God. I have been having some pain at the tumor side and behind my ears (on both sides), he said he was not concerned since the pain was intermittent, however if it becomes constant, we will do more work up. I was curious to find out when my next scan would be and he said we will do one in July. It will be a scan of my neck and chest. His recommendation was only of my neck, but I asked for a chest CT as well. He has never been too quick to order the chest since he feels it is unlikely that the cancer will go there, however when I was at U of M, they said that is the first place it will go. So, I would feel more comfortable knowing nothing is there. I know it is more radiation, but what do I do..........wonder if there is a little spot??? Lung cancer isn't something you feel, so I see it only necessary to do the scan. I will be rechecked again in July as well as have the CT scans. Dr. Postema is checking with the head PET scan Dr. as to the protocol for a repeat PET scan. He will get back with me on that next week.

I do feel like I got a bit of "bad news"....U of M said, if I can go two years without a reoccurrance, I would pretty much be out of the woods. Dr. Postema said, no not really , this cancer is still 5 years until we consider you cancer free. Yes, two years is a great milestone to get to, but he won't declare me cancer free until 5 years.

I am doing great . I have started a new vitamin and feel pretty good on them. I am really going to force myself to excercise so I can get some muscle tone and energy back. I have no problems swallowing or really no complaints at all. I have been watching my weight. I was a bit concerned I was loosing, but after reviewing previous records, I have only lost 10 pounds, since I was first diagnosed. A lot of people make comments on how skinny I look. That always concerns me..........what do they see that I don't. I am actually the weight I was pre pre kids!!

I daily thank God for another day He has given me. I am trying to stop the bad "what ifs" because....... what if................I have only a healthy life ahead. God has been so gracious in the peace He has provided. I am growing stronger everyday.

The girls are doing fantastic. Lauren is such a pure gift........she is so loving and adorable. What a joy she is to have at this time in my life. Alexa is so affectionate as well. If she ever sees me crying, she gives me a big hug and says ,"Mama, dry those tears!" They are blessings no doubt. We recently had her to the eye Dr. and found out she has trouble with her right eye. She is so over corrected that she can't focus near or far. I had no idea she was having any problems at all, because her left eye has completely compensated. She will have to wear glasses and have to use a patch on the left eye to make the right one work. It is a blessing we found this now, because if not caught, the eye will eventually loose sight. She will always have a vision problem, but we are hoping to improve it. Not the news I really want to hear about my 4 year old little girls, but thank God there is no medical problem causing the vision problem.

Please continue to pray that God is working miracles in my life. So far........He is. I will update probably monthly. Thanks for all your support.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Feb 3,2007

Just wanted to share with you that God still at work in me........I received a call from the Dr. on Friday that the results from my CT scan look good. He only had a preliminary report and wants to review the films himself, but the preliminary report looked good. It was a hard wait and I am glad it is over. These next three months will be a breeze again, until I have that week waiting peroid again for a test.

I am trying to be an "ideal patient", one that is realistic about the possibility of reoccurance, but also one that believes in God's miracles. I will stand firm and believe always that God knows best, His plan is best, and mine is completely selfish. He created this universe, I think He know what is best for Lisa, trust, trust. I am thanking God for every good day of health He is blessing me with.

I will go to U of M on Feb. 14, hopefully good driving conditions. I hope this will be one of the last follow up visits there, since I am following closely with my local ENT. I will see my ENT here again in three months. I have also had recent lab work and it all looks good.

Continue to pray for God's blessing upon me and His wonderful peace.


Thursday, January 11, 2007


I am doing great. I feel like I am starting to get some real energy back. We were sick with the flu then colds and I have finally fought mine off.

I saw my ENT a week ago and he said everything looked and felt great. I was slightly concerned for some weight loss, but he said 4 pounds is nothing to worry about.

I will have another CT scan of my neck on 1-29-07. My dr. will call with results.

I am feeling wonderful both inside and out. I have so much peace and have had very little tears. Time helps. God has been so good to me.........He has never changed.

I will keep you posted on CT results.

God Bless,

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Just wanted to let everyone know I am doing well. We have all battled the stomach flu over Thanksgiving and now we all have colds. Hard to keep a completely healthy family when one is always sick!!

I am enjoying the holiday season. What a wonderful time to reflect on this year's blessings. The gifts that God has already given me is overwhelming. I am very focused on a good outcome for the rest of my test results. I am reading a good and helpful book about the "shadows of cancer". It talks about the aftermath of cancer and how it can sometimes be more difficult than when we go through it. I have had less and less bad days. I am so consumed with the holidays, the girls, extra days at work, that cancer is far removed from my mind. I remind myself that God's will was to heal how can I question HIM?

I will see my local ENT 12-21-06 and have another CT scan the end of January. I am confident they will find nothing. I will continue to keep this journal updated, but probably now once a month.

To all that are still reading this........Merry Christmas. May God richly bless you this upcoming year.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

pictures of the girls

Here are a few recent pictures of the girls. If you click on them, they will be clear.


Testimony of Lisa Marie Davis

I am Lisa Davis. My husband, two children and I have been in Coopersville for about a year and a half. We have been attending Coopersville Reformed Church for about a year now. We have two daughters, Alexa who will soon be four and Lauren who just turned a year. I am here today to speak about my journey-my journey of praising God through my storm.

This past May, I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. It is very rare, especially for a young, healthy female that doesn’t smoke or drink. I spent most of this summer at the University of Michigan undergoing seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. My husband, step-mother and I sat in the doctor’s office back in May with no idea what was about to hit us. The doctor said cancer, radiation and chemo in one sentence. WOW!

How in the world was I going fit cancer into my already busy schedule. I did not sign up for this!! I had a seven month old baby, toddler, part-time job and a house to keep. Cancer was not suppose to happen at this precious time of my life!

I will confess-it took a few weeks before I could grasp how my life was going to change. The fear that over took my mind was incredible. Will treatment work? How sick will I get? Will I need a feeding tube? Will I loose my hair? Will I physically be strong enough to endure treatment? What is the long term prognosis? I was scared-terrified! Not a day went by where I didn’t cry out to God. I would just hold my girls so tight-never wanting to let go! My old life was no more……..and a new one was beginning.

I loved my “old” life it was really good! I did not know why God had to come in and stir things up! I have a wonderful family, great job, loving parents, wonderful husband and most of all two beautiful , healthy girls. After the birth of my first daughter, my relationship with God deepened. I felt absolutely blessed to have her and I continuously praised God for her and the many blessings in my life.

I admit, I had very little problems in my life and I did a fantastic job of managing everything myself. Until the day cancer and I met…did my relationship with God completely change.

When you are faced with the possibility of death, fear and isolation can almost be unbearable. For the first time in my life, I came to completely depend on God for strength, courage and peace. I knew that cancer was bigger than me, bigger that what I could ever handle alone. I had to surrender it all to God. I knew that cancer was not from God, for GOD IS GOOD AND ALWAYS IS GOOD. The enemy came in to rob me of health, joy and peace. He desired me to live in fear. God, I know has a perfect plan for me.

One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the plans I have for you , “declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Once I let God take control of this situation- I was given a new freedom. It felt good not to worry , and let God take care of it. I felt like I could breathe again and a weight was lifted. God took the wheel and I was along for the ride. I began to daily, sometimes moment by moment talking to God. I would ask for Him to give me peace and keep the fears away.

I filled my mind with scripture…the Bible became so alive! I put verses up all over in the house and continuously had praise and worship music on. THAT WAS TRUE MEDICINE! I had many prayers, but my biggest prayer was that I would continue to be a mother throughout treatment. Being a mother has been the greatest joy of my life and I didn’t want cancer to rob me of that. I prayed for my family’s strength, as they would be a big factor in taking care of the girls. I prayed for my physical strength to endure treatment. I also asked God for safe travel as we made the two and half hour commute to Ann Arbor. Prayer for courage was also on my list.

As one week turned into another, God began to reveal Himself to me more and more. He revealed His healing power, compassion, protection, goodness and peace. God was so faithful I answering my prayer to be a mother. During my thirty-five treatments of radiation and chemo………….I WAS A MOTHER………CANCER DID NOT STOP ME! I was the caregiver for my girls. We played, danced and sang just like any other day. PRAISE GOD! About half way through treatment, my tumor began shrinking. PRAISE GOD! God also worked through many people of this church to provided meals, support, housecleaning and many needed prayers. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU! You were God’s hands through this.

Ray and I were overwhelmed with the outpouring of love from our parents, this church and our neighbors. Additionally, God protected me physically. The doctors were astonished with my lack of symptoms. I never needed a feeding tube, lost little weight , ate many solid foods and needed few drugs. Most recently I underwent a PET/CT scan to show if any cancer remained or spread, and I am thankful to say all was negative. There is no signs of cancer at this time. PRAISE GOD!! Most importantly God protected my heart and mind. He filled me with a peace that is humanly impossible. The peace I experienced came from our Heavenly Father. He took the storm in my life and calmed it. He was the life jacket and I clung to His promises.

James 1:2-3 says,”Consider it a pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may become mature and complete, not lacking anything.” So………….cancer was and is my trial, and I am sure it won’t be the last. I am grateful it’s not up to me in this life. God is the Master Builder. Even when I cannot see it, He has the blueprint that is perfect, lacking nothing.
I have learned that when I am weak, God will make me strong, for His power works best in our weakness. As I face tomorrow, I will do it in trust. I will be reminded of the peace God gave me, the confidence in His word, and how faithful He is. I have come to trust God on a whole new level and I have learned to praise Him regardless of the storms I face…..for He is always with me.

Monday, November 13, 2006


This past Sunday I gave my testimony in two services at church. Ray, Alexa and Lauren were baptized. We also joined the church. Then a few family members and friends came back and celebrated Lauren's birthday. It was a fantastic day. It was sunny and just glorious! I truly was not nervous to speak in front of hundreds of people, I was nervous I would break down and cry and not be able to stop. It went fantastic and I only broke down a few times, but was able to control myself. I plan to put my testimony on the blog as soon as I can get some extra time.

I went to the U of M on Friday, Nov 10, 2006. Again the Dr. are very impressed. One Dr. could not believe I am back to work, he usually sees people out for a year! They say my throat looks great. I have had some hoarsness. They feel my throat is very sensitive yet and I could have some acid reflux- gave me a RX. Surgery is still a last resort-only if there is reoccurance. Reoccurance will most likely occur within two years. After two years, it is very unlikely for it to return. I will have a CT scan in three months. If anything looks suspicious, a PET scan will follow. I will still be checked every six weeks for a physical exam by the ENT.

I am just rejoicing daily. There are many times I break out in tears to the Lord thanking Him. He has right now given me a clean bill of health. Praise be to Him! Most of my drives home from work, I am in very thankful. I pray this is behind me. I never ever want to forget how good God has been. I never ever want to forget how powerful He is. I am so exited to see how God is going to work in the rest of my life. I will trust- and be still in this comforting peace my soul is cradled in.

I will continue to update. Look for my testimony coming soon and some recent pictures of the girls.

God bless,

Monday, October 30, 2006


Today was one of the hardest days of my life. It was going to change, regardless of my news. I awaited the results of my PET/CT scan today. I was extremely emotional on the ride to the doctor. Dad and Ray went with me. Brenda the nurse put me in the room and my heart was beating a million miles an hour and the tears would not stop coming. The doctor walked in and said, " I've got good news." I bursted into tears and hug dad and Ray so tight. Looking up, I just said thank you God, thank you God, thank you God. I just needed to hear the doctor confirm that everything was okay.

Though I am not out of the woods, I have begun a new chapter in my life. Right now, there is no active disease. The scan was completely clear. Praise our God!! I will continue to trust Him for good health.

I can celebrate Lauren's birthday tonight with thanksgiving and praise to God. Once again, He is faithful in letting me be a mother.


Friday, October 27, 2006


Yesterday, 10-26-06 I had my PET/CT done. I was so glad to see the same tech that did my procedure last time. She was so sweet and compassionate, as well as the others that helped me. My dad and Ray came with me. I was there for about 4 hours. I was injected with glucose and had to go into a "no talking phase " or about an hour. So Ray and Dad got to catch up on alot! I was then taken back into the scanner where I was injected with contrast, to help vessels show up. That took about 25 minutes. I was very comfortable throughout the exam. I was at peace and had a light heart. I just continued to pray for God's peace during the exam, and He gave it to peaceful infact, I felt like I could go to sleep.

So, now...............the WAIT! I will/ should get results on Monday. I have a Dr. appointment with my ENT at 11:30. I was told to call before I came in to make sure results are in. It usually takes three business days. I will keep myself busy the next few days. Ray will be gone all day at a football game Saturday and has to work Sunday. The girls and I will hang out together.

The test is over and what is God has the plans..........I cannot change any result of these test. I am trusting that His plan is better than I could ever design. I continuously remind myself this is out of my control. It is going to be a hard few days while I wait, because I don't have a magic ball to see what the results are, but I MUST say focused and positive.

Please pray for continued peace.


Thursday, October 19, 2006



Hope everyone is enjoying this fall. The colors are beautiful and I am so loving it. I think Fall has become my favorite season. The girls are great. Alexa is doing wonderful at preschool. She just loves it and I can already see her blooming! Lauren.....she is just plain good. She is so happy and content. She is however starting to show a bit of personality!

I am awaiting my Pet/CT scan next Thursday. I am feeling peaceful and quiet in my spirit. I am holding firm to Psalm 117: 1, 7.........."Blessed is the man who fears the Lord....He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord." I am just confident God has already done His healing. I am ready to move on to the next phase of life.......never forgetting what is left behind.

Please pray specifically for continued peace and stillness in me as I await my scan.


Friday, October 06, 2006


Hi .....................

Well, things have gotton a lot better for me since my last posting. I am feeling much better physically. My stomach bug is gone, just have some sinus stuff going on, but doing much better.

I hated to sound so discouraging the last posting, but I am being honest. I had a bad few days, but I am doing so much better. I had a lot of "whys", but I am discovering and focusing on the fact that God does not have to answer and may not answer all the whys. We must trust always that the creator of this world knows the best plan. I really was struggling with accepting God's plan for me, because I wanted to help design it. I am trying really hard to surrender and completely give it all to God. I want to hold on to just a bit of those plans................that's what is holding me back from complete trust. I am trying hard to focus on the fact that God is designer and I need to obey, listen and trust. God tells me not to fear.........I need to listen. When He tells me He is with me always.........I will remember.

I am so enjoying the beautiful fall colors.........what a reminder of God's beauty. Lexy and I are taking lots of walks and enjoying the weather. Lauren is taking a few steps. I can hardly believe she will celebrate her first birthday the end of this month!!

Until next week.........have a great week. Please pray specifically for peace and trust as I await my PET/CT scan on 10-26-06. God bless you all.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hi everyone,

This has been a tough week for me. I have not felt the greatest. Nauseated and feeling blah. I will have to admit when my physical body is ill, my spirit suffers too. I have been just a bit down. It all started about a week ago when I read in the Grand Rapids Press about the mother that was burnt and lost her 16 month old son. It really hurt my heart and spirit. But I have been repeating over and over...........God has the greater plan, it is not for me to understand. I guess this story of tragedy made me look again at my situation, and I became fearful again of my future. It's been a rough week, but God and I are working things out. I bought a ring from the Family Christian Store that says "FEAR NOT". I wear that on my right and wedding ring on the left. I look at it when I am driving, typing, or writing. What a constant reminder to me.

I just received a phone call from the ENT that my PET/CT scan will be Oct 26th at 8:30 a.m. This will show if all the cancer is gone or if anything has spread. I will see the Dr. for results on Oct. 30. (Lauren's first birthday!).

My specific prayers please........... pray for peace as I await this scan and for all fear of bad news to flee from my thoughts.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hi everyone...........

Just to recap on my last week...I went back to work on Wednesday. Okay, I have to admit, it loved to be home with the girls. I could so be a stay at home mom, not because I am lazy and don't want to work, but there is so much to enjoy with them. Lexy and I play preschool and Lauren and I are working on her words and singing!! But really, it was nice to be back to my "normal" routine. What's normal?? I know I will never have my "old" life back again, but going back to work gave me part of it.

Thursday Ray and I went to the Allegan County Fair Grounds and saw Casting Crowns in concert. Wow! It was so great to see them live! Again, if you have not heard "Praise you in this storm" just must. When that song was sung, it was impossible to stop the tears. Yes, he was singing it to me :) As far as I could tell, it touched a lot of other people too. It was so great to be there that night. Music has been such a huge part of my healing. Lexy knows so many Christian songs. She will be in her room singing. I aways have my radio on in the house or in the car so healing words are always on my mind.

I had a few bad hours today. I got on the internet, a website actually recommended by a doctor. Yeah, not a good idea. I read too many things that were scary and fearful. I declare this is the day I ban myself from the internet in regards to head and neck cancer. After reading it , I just felt the life being sucked right out of me. My mind became a complete fog of worry and fear. So, I had to get out of this terrible "funk", so Lexy and I went for a walk. I just asked God to step into my mind and remove what I had read. It was windy and I just breathed in the fresh air........God. He filled my lungs and mind. I am happy to report I am over my funk. God is so faithful.

I have been so excited to learn more and more about God. Pastor Tim did a great message today about what faith looks like. He says we have to put our faith into action. I am so excited to do that. I am so thirsty for more knowledge of God. You should see my room, it's a mini library. I was becoming overwhelmed, so thought I should just take one at a time.

Hope all is well for you. I am not sure if any of you caught this on the news, but it has torn at my heart all day. There was an accident locally where a woman was severly burned and her 16 month old son killed. Apparently the father was just new to the church as a youth pastor 25 years old. He was helping re-roof the church and saw the whole thing. Mother was hit from behind and her car caught on fire. The father actually pulled her out of the car. Baby died instantly. Mother is at Spectrum with 40% of the body covered with burns. What a terrible tragedy. Lexy and I have been praying so hard. I am just sick to my stomach. is not for us to understand. God is still good and is in control. He has a perfect plan, one that we may not be aware of while we are here. Pray for this family.

God Bless you all,

Monday, September 11, 2006

First appointments after treatment 9-11-06


On Friday 9-8-06 I saw my ENT in Grand Rapids. He was very impressed with my neck and throat. He did not feel any nodes in my neck and thought my throat looked excellent for just having radiation. We talked at length about follow up and what's to come. He advised me to have a PET/CT done of my neck three months after treatment was complete. I questioned having a PET/CT of my chest. He said it was unnecessary because it is rare for it to go there. To be honest, I was a bit unsettled with that answer. I really would like a scan of my chest , just to rest assured that nothing has spread there. He said he would be willing to write that order as well.

On Monday 9-11-06 I saw the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. He was also very pleased with my healing process. Things look great, he said. It was a short visit for such a long drive. But what can we expect, the Great Phyician has been taking such good care of me!

So, I will be followed up every six weeks, alternating between my local ENT and the Radiation Oncologist at U of M. I will have a PET/CT of my neck and chest end of October/early November. U of M would also like to review the findings on the scan.

I am so grateful we have a God who protects our hearts and minds in the "waiting period". Dr.'s say that most reoccurance happens within the first two years, so I will be closely watched. Reaching the three year mark with the type of cancer is like reaching the five year marker with most cancers. God will continue to carry me through. I will continue to trust His plan is best and His plan is perfect for my life. The devil cannot have his hands on my mind or my heart, for I am a child of God.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Barb, she is doing well and is now at home recovering . She will hopefully be returning to work soon.
Barb has been blessed with one adopted son, one sister and one daughter-in-law, so they have been busy caring for her. But, again, God is faithful and taking care of Barb like He is taking care of me.

There is so much to look forward to in the next coming months. Lexy starts pre-school Sept 25, Lauren will celebrate her first birthday October 30, Halloween for the kids, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So many good things for me to focus on............God does have perfect timing!


Friday, September 01, 2006


Hi Friends,

As you have noticed, I do not write daily, you can thank my little critters for that. They keep me so busy, really the only free time I have is when they are in bed and I like to take that time to read. So, I hope to get down on the computer at least once a week ,now that things have settled down with treatments.

I am still feeling well. I rest when I can and take Motrin very sparingly. I still have some thrush in my mouth, but it is clearing up . I look forward to my Dr. visits on 9-11-06 and see what is to come.

I had a few days of emotional set back . Why? I became suddenly afraid and it took me a couple days to figure out why. For the past 2 months I have had GOD, doctors, nurses, radiation and chemotherapy attending to me. Suddenly , all but one (GOD)..... stopped. I got scared, is God it? Did I really miss the chemo and radiation that much?

My past couple days have been filled with much peace as I push away those fears and completely let God take the wheel. It is His road, His car, His map and He is the driver.............I am just a passenger trusting in His skill, knowledge and excellent judgement. What does that map look like for Lisa Davis' life, boy oh boy if we could just all have a glimpse at that, would we peek?, or would we just live in total trust.

God does not always explain Himself. He loves to be trusted. I cannot possibly have all the answers to why or what ifs......but I can stand firm that God says :
"For I know, the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I daily thank God for guarding my mind and heart with peace as I wake each morning, thanking God for yet another day.

Please continue to pray for complete healing as God transforms my life.


Thursday, August 24, 2006



Wanted to update everyone that things are still going well. I am still a bit tired, but thankfully cutting back even on the Motrin. My taste is somewhat coming back. I have been enjoying my girls so very much. I just continue to talk with God and keep asking for that peace that He gave me throughout treatment.

I am asking for all my prayer warriors to help me with a friend's mother-in-law in need of prayer. Her name is Barb. She is at Butterworth with bleeding on the brain. She lost her husband years ago and has only one adopted son. She is in need of healing prayers and peace as recovers. Please pray for her. Thank you.

Monday, August 21, 2006


I am feeling really good, just get run down sometimes. Today, Penny took the girls so I could catch a nap and get a few chores done, what a blessing. They are a ball of energy , those two!!!! I am eating better and only taking Motrin. I feel like I am on the road to recovery, getting some energy back.

I have to admit I have a new best friend...........Jesus. We talk every day through out the day. Our relationship has grown tremendously through out this ordeal. I fully trust my life with Him. He has held my hand and did not let me get burnt in the fire. I am so grateful that He protected my mind and heart. I can't wait to see what my great future holds.

I am trying to enjoy what summer we have left and trying to just slow down and enjoy every moment.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006



I am doing well, trying now just to take Motrin. Pain is tolerable and eating better. I still have a problem with taste . I can barely taste things and nothing sweet.............maybe a good thing. My mouth is still a mess inside, but slowly healing. I am trying to rest as much as I can, but with two little ones it can be hard. I am trying not to push myself too much, but also want to absorb every minute like I felt I have lost.

I am so praising God for this weather, I feel He sent it just to me. I love the temp and all the sunshine. I have my windows open and just love waking up to the sun and the birds singing . The fresh air is heavenly!

The girls are great and I am feeling blessed more than ever just to have them! God is so good.

As for now, I follow up with my Dr. at U of M Sept 11. Then will have another follow up in three months.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Just wanted to let everyone know how I am doing. It is so nice not to travel to U of M!!! I am feeling ok. Very tired and thank heavens for vicodin. I am taking it on the dot every 6 hours. Really bad sore throat and sore tongue. Hurts to swallow and eat. I really have no appetite, so forcing myself to eat three meals, lots of them liquid. I can't say I am in tons of pain due to the meds, just simply wiped out, like I have run a marathon.

The girls are great . Lauren just went for her 9 month check up. 10 % for height, 60% for weight, in other words............short and fat!!! She has been such a great baby. Lexy is doing great she loves to sing and dance. Oh, yes loves nail polish and lip gloss. She pampered me today and did my toenails.

Please continue to pray for God's healing. I ask specifically you pray for all the cancer to be gone and at my three month visit, again I will impress the doctors.

All my love,

Thursday, August 03, 2006

IT IS DONE.....................






Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Nearing the end

Today is Tuesday. Chemo went great. My nurse was an angel from God. She had a crowd of other nurse gather and congratulate me on last day of chemo and all gave a round of applause. Then, she had a getleman that does registration and sing, sing me the most beautiful song of hope. Oh my heavens........the tears. I was so overjoyed and so thankful God provided him. My nurse and I exchanged hugs, kisses and cards. She is a Christian and I know God planted her in my path. She is also a mother of two small children.

Two treatments left, piece of cake. Penny will go with me and we will be back Thursday afternoon. I am starting to take Vicodin around the clock. My tongue gets so sore to eat and drink, my nurse is afraid I will get dehydrated, so push push the fluids and do it without pain, I will drink more. Again the Dr.'s and all staff are so amazed. One guy in the waiting room asked me why I was doing so well................FAITH I answered. There is no possible, human way I could have done this alone.

I have been reading an awesome book........Praying through Cancer. I just recently read the most beautiful prayer and want to share it. It is exactly how I feel.................

Father God, I didn't sign up for this. Some days are pretty OK, but some are really tough. Yet I will consider this whole cancer deal worth it, if in the end I look more like Jesus and sound more like Him. I want it to be obvious that I've spent time with Him. It's worth it, if somehow I can honor You by going through this experience, whatever the outcome. So I'm asking You to make it worth it. Make me more like Jesus. Make it undeniably evident that You are at work in my life. Honor Yourself.
Help me to see this illness from Your perspective. There's a lot I don't understand, so I'm trusting You. I can't see down the road, so I 'm grateful You know the beginning from the end and everything in between. Even on days when I think I'm holding on to You, I realize it's Your grip on me that's keeping me together. Thanks for Your unmistakeable grace.
Thanks to You, Lord God, who always leads me in triumphant procession in Christ and through me spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him!
God Bless you all, thanks for hanging in there with me, please keep up the prayers for continued health. Pray specifically that ALL the cancer is gone and I will never have to battle it again.
Love you,

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Today is Thursday and I am here with my mom this trip. Treatment was done by 8:00 a.m. today and I will have a 8:20 a.m. appointment tomorrow. I can hardly believe this is almost over. Thursday August 3 is my last treatment. One more chemo next Tuesday. I will be honest, this has gone incredibly fast. God has protected my mind, body and spirit throughout this. I am have incredible peace, and my body is hardly broken! The doctors are in awe with my symptoms.... very few. I am feeling at bit more tired, but that's okay.

I plan to keep this blog updated even after treatment as I follow up with doctors, so keep checking! Many many thanks to all of you who have daily prayed for me, my family and I can not thank you enough for all your support. This has been such an awesome life changing experience, I'm so glad so many of you could come along for the ride.

God Bless,

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Counting down

Just wanted to let all my cheerleaders know that I have one chemo and seven radiation left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God has protected me through my treatment, the doctors are just stunned that I am doing so well. I have a tad of a sore throat , peeling skin on the neck and a sore on the side of my tongue. It is getting more difficult to eat breads or hard foods, so I will switch to soups and a softer diet.

They have sent my sides away and have found that a virus may have been the cause of this cancer. It is called HPV. Many of us carry it and there are lots of strands. Some of the strands they are now finding can cause cancer. They have found people that are positive for this virus respond much better to treatment . We don't have a lot of details right now, but we will get more answers in the near future. U of M is in contact with John Hopkins, they are working on the link between tonsil cancer and HPV. There is a possibility I may be able to receive a vaccine.

We had a delightful time at my cousins wedding. Lexy was a jem walking down the isle, but bribed with a sucker! She was just beautiful, I was so please God allowed me to spend this time with her. I never imagined at the end of five weeks of treatment I would be at a wedding! Praise be to our God.

Monday and Tuesday Penny (step-mom) came with me to Ann Arbor. It's nice for her to get away a little bit and take a load off. She enjoys reading and being able to just relax without anything pressing. She is so good to me. It was nice spending time with her and just having time to chat without the disruption of little ones. Chemo went extremely quick today. I have had the same nurse now and will have her again next week. God definately put her in my path, she always hugs me, cries with me and is so gentle and compassionate. She is so careful with the IV. She has even put me on her prayer chain at her church.

Now I find out I will follow back up at U of M in a month to see both Radiation Oncologist and Oncologist just to make sure side effects are gone. Then in three months follow up with Surgeon and Radiation Oncologist and have another scan.

Love you all,
God bless

Monday, July 24, 2006

Lexy in wedding

Here we are at Lexy's First Wedding. I wouldnt have missed it for anything. It was a lot of travel but we had a great time. Grandma Penny watched Lauren and Ray had a big 3 day tournament so he couldnt go. Lexy did great walking down the isle when it actually counted. (Not so during the dress rehearsal.) I will write more soon. God bless each and every one of you who are following my story and praying for me and my family.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Computer issues.........

Sorry I have not written............we have had computer issues at home and at U of M due to rain storms and power outages. Things are still going well !! The doctor is impressed I am still not taking any pain meds. The most bothersome thing, is the skin on my neck. It is becoming very red and crusty.........yuck! It's like alligator skin...lovely! I am using aloe and have been given silvadine cream. It is somewhat uncomfortable...but again, only temporary.

Can you believe that I only have two weeks left................9 more treatments! This has gone incredibly fast. Penny (step-mom) spent these past few days with me. We had a lot of down time and we enjoyed some reading and a trip to the mall. This weekend Alexa is in a wedding up north, I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to see her in her first wedding...........sorry, but I am going! I feel fine! Praise the Lord!

Next week Ray will be unable to bring me on Monday and Tuesday, so Penny will come along with me again. She is strong and will be able to see me hooked up to my chemo bags. Not sure if my mom could handle it so well.

I have said it before, but this is the easy part...going through treament, the hardest part is yet to come..........the WAIT. Please pray that God will continue to give me peace through the waiting period. I will probably be seen by an ENT 4-6 weeks after treatment and then return to U of M 3 months after treatment. They say things continue to strink even after treatment is over. I will most likely have a CT-Scan and I hopeful for another PET -Scan.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, I will write again on Monday.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


It is 7:30 a.m. and I just finished me in really early this morning! I am so overwhelmed this morning. As I lay on the treatment table, I just could stop thinking of how God has blessed me. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, church support, awesome friends. Above all, God has choosen to bless me with two unbelievable beautiful girls before all this began. He has shown me the way to an amazing hospital with the lastest technology. He has given me a husband who is ALWAYS positive and uplifting. In the midst of all this ...............I am so blessed.

Today, we will spend the day (mom , Lexy and I ) at the Holiday Inn. We should have a blast. It will be nice to have Lexy here and have some fun. I have an early appointment tomorrow, so we can go as soon as we're done. Treatment is still going well. I can feel a slight sore throat and lacking more's only temporary! This too shall pass!

Again, I can't thank all of you enough for all your prayers. God is answering. Please continue to pray specifically for Satan to STAY AWAY. I will not be afraid, anxious or troubled for tomorrow. Love you all.
